The NBI® was developed after almost 30 years of extensive international research on Left-And Right-brain function. The instruments were developed by dr. Kobus Neethling, under the research guidance of Professor Paul Torrance of the University of Georgia.
The four quadrants
With the four quadrants as the basis, we introduce the 8 Dimensions Instrument which identifies two dimensions within each of the four quadrants.
The 8-dimentional Instrument
The 8-dimensions are a revolutionary aspect of the NBI® as they provide greater insight into the elements within each of the four quadrants. This allow for a more thorough interpretation of an individual’s thinking preferences.
The NBI® General Adult profile measures thinking preferences, and not the skills or abilities necessary to execute those preferences.

The various NBI® sport instruments give insight into the way you prefer to think during the game, and will make you more aware of the thinking styles of fellow players.
Developing your game and making better decisions during key moments will lead to a better understanding and overall picture of the game.
The profiles measure thinking preferences, rather than the skills or abilities necessary to execute those preferences.
It is is there for possible that you could have a very strong preference for playing with preciseness and accuracy (L1), but may not have had the opportunity to develop all the skills to accomplish these goals.
On the other hand, it is possible that you could have excellent skills and technique, but a low preference in the left side of the brain. This could lead to a rejection of the skills learned and to a riskier approach to the game.
It is therefore possible that e.g. a Tennis player might have a strong preference for order, planning and organisation, but has never had the opportunity to develop the skills to plan and organise and practice the important drills for his/her tennis game
Profiles available:
NBI® Rugby, Rugby Referee, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Cricket, Netball and Netball umpire.

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you’re thriving. To understand the significance of wellness, it’s important to understand how it’s linked to health and thinking preferences.
Negativity influences your Creativity, Parenting, Relationships, Learning and most importantly eating and fitness habits.
Do you choose a life of ‘Beyonder’ Wisdom or one full of Torment and Anxiety?
The following instruments are available:
NBI® Adult
NBI® Skills
NBI® Personal Negativity
NBI® Creativity Style
NBI® Relationship Style
NBI® Driving Instruments
NBI® Wealth Instrument
NBI® Eating Habits

Gone are the days of selecting a career for the wrong reasons.
When your skills and thinking preferences align with your career, every work day will be in the magic of “flow”
Our profiles will indicate to you what subjects to choose at school, what field of study will suite your thinking style and what Job would you like to do one day.
The NBI® Job Profiles show which skills, insights, thinking and attitudes are required to do a particular job well.
The following Assessments are available:
NBI® Adult/Teacher
NBI® Student/Senior Student
NBI® Skills
NBI® Jobs
NBI® Desired Jobs

Research show that you have only 3 seconds to make an impression.
So many businesses and workers fail within these 3 seconds.
When you understand our own brain profile and thinking preferences, it will help you to understand that everybody around you are different in all aspects of life.
They think differently and therefor will choose differently. To sell effectively to your customers, you need to understand your own whole-brain thinking preferences.
To appoint a new staff member can be costly. You cannot choose the wrong candidate.
Set out your Company requirements and the NBI® Adult report can match those requirements in the ideal candidate for you.
The following instruments are available:
NBI® Adult
NBI® Skills
NBI® Personal Negativity
NBI® Creativity Style
NBI® Relationship Style
NBI® Driving Instruments
NBI® Wealth Instrument
NBI® Desired Job
NBI® Innovator
NBI® WB Feedback
NBI® Business Relationship
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