Making a decision!
~”Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Tip toe if you must, but take the step” Unknown~
Who’s life is it in any way?
I am responsible for my own thinking, choices and decisions. AND, so are you responsible for making your own informed choices that brings fulfillment, happiness and joy!
On a daily basis I get the same questions of how to take the smallest steps so that you can take to start making good life choices? I’m excited to share my power tool “Decisions for dummies” with you in this post.
Phew! there were times that I made an instant decision because I have trusted my ‘gut’ feelings. Some of those decisions, I regret to this day! Some were the best decisions for me and my family!
Today, many years later, I do not decide on the spur of the moment on any life changing matters anymore. I use my quick guide “Decisions for Dummies” to help me in all my daily choices.
I use my 4 steps “Decisions for dummies” every day when making my choices.
Now, please remember, it is a process and not a sprint. Take your time and work through my “Decisions for dummies” steps carefully. You owe it to yourself to make excellent choices in today’s confused world.
My years of teaching students, raising a family, coaching tennis, playing sport and live mindfully, has helped me to understand my own needs and what works for me and what brings that “twinkling” in the stomach feeling.
I make my choices using my “Decisions for dummies” as a process. Any new decision must have meaning and add value to my life.
Lots of people are scared to make new choices or decisions. Don’t worry, if you just follow my simple “Decisions for dummies” steps below, you will soon become an expert decision maker!
Sometimes my decisions are based on the road less travelled because life needs to be exciting and challenging!
Another question that comes up frequently is: What is in it for me? if I need to choose between living my dream or living your dream?
Occasionally, I will ask just a simple question for example, will this bring fun and laughter today? An easy question for sure, but be careful with this one, though!
Let me guide you with my 4 easy ‘Decisions for dummies‘ steps to make your F I R S T whole-brain, well thought through, decision!
Decisions for dummies
STEP 1 (SEE 🙂 )
What are the facts? Write them all out! You must see all the facts…
Whether you are writing one word, one sentence, or page at a time, those facts need to be on paper! Look at them and acknowledge each one.
Talk about the facts! If you have nobody to talk to, read the facts out loud. Your brain needs to hear them all. When the brain see and hear, it awakens your subconsciousness.
Your subconsciousness is now awakened, and you start to feel!
Excitement or Panic!
The above the line or below the line feeling?
Worthiness or Unworthiness?
If it is not feeling right, it is not right! Believe me, believe me!
What effect will my choice have on myself as a person, on my family, on my best friends. Will it have a positive effect on my emotional well-being?
The conscious mind is now active!
Whether you do take this or that road, the questions are the same. Will you be able to live with your decisions? Will you have regrets? Will you be able to live your dream? What is the bigger picture? Can you change your mind?
So, these are my simple ‘Decisions for dummies‘ steps and I think they are super smart and easy!
Do not skip a step and do not start at Step 3 instead of Step 1! ☹ It is important to take it step by step!
I would love to hear from you! Have my simple steps helped you to make an easy or a lifelong impact decision?
Live your dream and enjoy today!