Working from home has become the new normal. Challenge accepted?
In this post I’m going to look at the Pitfalls for each brain quadrant, while you are trying to hold all the balls in the air.
Left Brain (L1 quadrant)
As a Realist, you prefer to insulate yourself from distractions…. So find yourself a NO GO Zone in the house and work in small increments with no distraction, rather than all day with lots of noise. As an Analyst, you prefer to reason rationally. With your family around you, be careful not to over analyse everything, it may cause friction. Nobody likes to be interrogated all the time, especially not in the family home.
Words that are important in the L1 quadrant:
Analytical – Digging deeper
Left Brain (L2 quadrant)
As a Stalwart and Preserver you like discipline and orderly environments. Be kinder to yourself and the family. You could control the environment in the past, but now you need to adapt in your “new” environment. Don’t over discipline the family, it can create a very hostile home environment. As an Organizer you refer to organize, plan and arrange everything. You prefer to make lists and make lists of lists. Does this sounds familiar?
Let the family come on board and each person creates their own list and take responsibility of their own tasks. Have one good house clean-up once a day and be flexible for the rest of the time with the daily chaos.
Words that are important in the L2 Quadrant:
Time conscious
Please let me know if you can relate to any of the above scenarios. I can help parents, teachers and students to understand their own brain thinking preferences. Do your Brain Profile assessment today and we can put the dot under the question mark.
In the next post, I will deal with the Right Brain. So hang on tight… it’s coming soon!